
LipaBomba is a platform which aims to help people, especially the ones with disability, to quickly access their mobile wallets and perform transactions. This can be done by simply taking picture of a mobile money agent identification number or clicking a predefined USSD route within the application.


This platform opens a lot of opportunity to a large community which otherwise would not be able to perform transactions on their own. The platform supports all service providers in Tanzania. Since users can also enter their custom USSD codes, this platform can work anywhere else in the world.

QR Mobile Wallet

Users can generate QR code base mobile wallet which enables their friends to quickly send them money from any other mobile wallet such as M-Pesa, Airtel Money, Tigo Pesa, Halopesa etc. This makes payment faster, error prune and more efficient.

AutoMate Any USSD Service

Unlike any other existing mobile payment solutions, LipaBomba gives you a capability to automate any USSD service so that you will be able to then run it with a single click.

Share With The World

You made some cool automated services and wants to share with the rest of the world? Just make your service public and all the app users will be able to search and try it.

Multi SimCard Support

Your phone is Dual and wants to use different wallets for different service? We got you covered. Simply select the phone number you want to use on check out.

Nearby Agents

Easily identify mobile moneu agents who are close to you for easy access of financial services.

Pay Bills

Pay water, schools fees, electricity and any other government bills instantly.

All Transaction

Easily record your sales, income, spending and mobile money transactions. You can also generate transactions from transaction messages.

Manage multiple shops

Quickly scan qr code of products to record your sales and purchases. You will be notified when your shop is running out of stock.












